Cosmic ray spectrum formation in the ultra-high energy region: the effect of intergalactic magnetic field and expected contribution from individual sources

1Elyiv, AA, 2Hnatyk, BI
1Main Astronomical Observatory of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
2Astronomical Observatory of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine
Kinemat. fiz. nebesnyh tel (Online) 2007, 23(2):83-94
Language: Ukrainian

The effect of extragalactic magnetic field on the propagation of ultra-high energy cosmic rays (UHECR) is investigated. We used the IRAS PSCz catalogue in order to reconstruct the magnetic field in the Local Universe taking into account the power-law dependence between the magnetic field and infrared galaxy luminosity density (B = Kρβ). Contrary to the previous works with exponent β = 2/3 corresponding to the freezing-in condition, we estimated K and β according to the expected maximum («strong field») and minimum («weak field») values of magnetic field in galaxy clusters and voids of the Local Universe, respectively. We constructed full-sky maps of expected deflection angles of UHECR in these extragalactic magnetic field models. It is found that average deflections of protons with energies above E > 4·19 eV from the sources in the sphere with a radius of 100 Mpc are negligible (comparable with errors of modern detectors) only in the case of the «weak» extragalactic magnetic field model. The modification of the UHECR spectrum by extragalactic magnetic field is investigated in case of Virgo A and ARP 299 as potential sources.

Keywords: intergalactic magnetic field, ultra-high energy region