On evolution and characteristic times of relativistic jet activity of quasars and radiogalaxies

Fomin, PI, Fomin, AP
Kinemat. fiz. nebesnyh tel (Online) 2007, 23(6):381-386
Language: Russian

Based on the quantum-vortex model of relativistic jet activity of quasars and radiogalaxies (Ukr. Phys. J.—1991.—36, N 12.—P. 1785— 1795; Kinematics and Physics of Celestial Bodies.—1997.—13, N 5.—P. 24— 35) the law of evolution and characteristic times of jet activity of such objects is considered. The theory predicts that characteristic times of evolution are in the range of 107-108 years.

Keywords: characteristic times of evolution, quasar, radiogalaxy
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