Extremely high energy (E > 10.E20 eV) cosmic rays: potential sources
1Hnatyk, R, 2Voitsekhovskyi, V 1Astronomical Observatory of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine 2Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine |
Kinemat. fiz. nebesnyh tel (Online) 2020, 36(3):47-68 |
https://doi.org/10.15407/kfnt2020.03.047 |
Start Page: Extragalactic Astronomy |
Language: Ukrainian |
Abstract: One of the unsolved problems of cosmic ray physics, is the establishment of the nature and sources of ultrahigh energy cosmic rays (UHECR, E > 1018 eV). The observed high degree of isotropy of the observed UHECR intensity, caused mainly by the deviations of the UHECR trajectories in extragalactic and Galactic magnetic fields, with the significant uncertainty in their chemical composition (atomic mass), don’t allow observed events to be linked to their sources and mechanisms for their acceleration established. It is possible to reduce the influence of magnetic deflection in two ways — by considering events with extremely high energy (EHECR, E > 1020 eV) and taking into account modern models of the Galactic magnetic field to correct its influence on the EHECR trajectory. In our work, the observed directions of arrival EHECR, according to the Auger and TA detectors, are adjusted for the influence of Galactic and random extragalactic magnetic fields. New celestial EHECR provisions are compared to samples of potential sources: 17 AGNs with powerful gamma radiation (from the 2FHL catalog) and 23 star-burst galaxies (radioflux-selected), as well as with selections of 42 radio galaxies from the parameterized catalog of radio galaxies and magnetars. Taking into account the energy loss lengths of the nuclear component (H, He, C, Si, Fe) EHECR in the extragalactic environment and the expected typical distances to potential sources (~ 100 Mpc for H and Si-Fe and ~50 Mpc for He, C), the astrophysical objects of the above samples that could be sources of relevant EHECR events are highlighted. The potential acceleration mechanisms in the selected objects are analyzed, and the contribution of possible Galactic sources to the observed EHECR flux is evaluated. |
Keywords: active galactic nuclei, cosmic rays, magnetars, radiogalaxies |
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