Ludwig O. Struve (1858-1920): The beginning of positional astronomy in the Kharkiv Astronomical Observatory
Balyshev, M |
Kinemat. fiz. nebesnyh tel (Online) 2021, 37(5):74-82 | |
Start Page: Research in the History of Astronomy |
Language: Ukrainian |
Abstract: The study was considered the research work of Prof. Ludwig Struve, a representative of the world-famous scientific dynasty Struve. His work belonged to the traditional for the Struve dynasty section of positional astronomy — astrometry. Ludwig Struve's work on the study of Lunar eclipses and binary stars (in particular, the systems η Cassiopeia and Procyon), their own motions and the determination of positions, — were distinguished by high scrupulously methodical processing. It was revealed that the most important Struve's work in which he was one of the first astronomers who calculate the speed of rotation of the Milky Way, refined the constant of precession and determined the coordinates of the apex of the Sun's way. At the Kharkiv Astronomical Observatory, Prof. Struve worked on determining the positions of reference stars for the 433 Eros, performed long-term observations of circumpolar stars, took part in the compiling a catalogue of 779 zodiacal stars. In 1914 under his leadership an expedition of Kharkiv astronomers to observe a total Solar eclipse was organized. Ludwig Struve's works have twice been awarded the prize of the Russian Astronomical Society. |
Keywords: apex of the Sun's way, astrometry, constant of precession, galaxy rotation, Kharkiv Astronomical Observatory, Ludwig Struve, Procyon |
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