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1Ovsak AS, 2Teifel VG, 2Karimov AM, 2Lysenko PG. A comparison of values of the imaginary part of refractive index of aerosol particles in the latitudinal belts of Northern hemisphere of Saturn. Russian. 2018 ;34(3):76-80.
1Protsyuk YI, 1Martynov MV, 1Mazhaev AE, 1Kovylianska OE, 1Protsyuk SV, 2Andruk VM. Compilation of catalogues of star coordinates and proper motions using co-processing of archival photographic and modern CCD observations. Russian. 2014 ;30(6):54-65.
Rybka SP, 1Yatsenko AI. Compiled catalogue of proper motions and infrared photometry of stars at the north galactic pole. 2008 ;24(3):238-244.
Ryl'kov VP, Narizhnaya NV, Dement'eva AA, 1Pinigin GI, 1Maigurova NV, 1Martynov MV. A compiled catalogue of reference stars around 227 astrometric extragalactic radio sources. Russian. 2011 ;27(6):44-51.
1Wozniak W, 2Iskra K, 3Siluszyk M, 3Modzelewska R, 4Wolinski P, 2Seredyn T, 2Zienkiewicz T. The cone of acceptance and magnetic rigidity cutoff of galactic cosmic ray particles for different models of the International geomagnetic reference field from 1965-2015 in the Deblin airport, Poland. Ukrainian. 2020 ;36(1):85-96.
Kalinicheva OV, Tomanov VP. A consideration of the hypothesis on genetic connection between comets and Pluto and the transneptunian object 2003 UB 313. 2009 ;25(5):355-363.
1Vavrukh MV, 2Vasilieva IE, 1Stelmakh OM, 1Tyshko NL. Continuous absorption and depression in the spectrum of Sun in region λ = 650..820 nm. 2016 ;32(3):40-62.
1Chernogor LF. Convection effect in the atmospheric surface layer in the course of solar eclipses of 20 March 2015 and 10 June 2021. Ukrainian. 2021 ;37(6):19-33.
1Stodilka MI, 1Baran OA, Malynych SZ. Convection peculiarities in the solar photosphere. 2006 ;22(3):173-182.
1Sheminova VA. Convective lineshifts in the spectra of the Sun and solar-type stars. Ukrainian. 2022 ;38(2):39-62.
