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1Kazantsev AM. A search for the source of short-period comet nuclei. The direction of spatial comet migration. Russian. 2012 ;28(6):45-57.
Sushchov OB, Kobzar OO, 1Hnatyk BI, Marchenko VV. A search for ultra-high-energy cosmic ray sources. FRI radio galaxy Centaurus A. Ukrainian. 2012 ;28(6):17-31.
1Gnatyk RB. Search of the sources of the cosmic rays with energies above 10E20 eV. 2016 ;32(1):3-20.
1Vidmachenko AP. Seasonal changes of activity factor for Jupiter’s hemispheres restored its periodicity. Russian. 2019 ;35(4):71-80.
1Vidmachenko AP. Seasonal changes on Jupiter. 1. The factor activity of hemispheres. 2016 ;32(4):48-59.
1Vidmachenko AP. Seasonal changes on Jupiter. 2. The effect of Sun irradiation on the planet. 2016 ;32(6):30-48.
Vlasov DI, 1Fedorenko AK, Kryuchkov EI, 1Cheremnykh OK, 1Zhuk IT. Seasonal features of the spatial distribution of atmospheric gravitational waves in the Earth’s polar thermosphere. Ukrainian. 2022 ;38(2):23-38.
1Khoda OO. The second reprocessing campaigns of historical observations in the GNSS data analysis centre of MAO NAS OF Ukraine. Ukrainian. 2020 ;36(5):64-81.
1Churyumov KI, Filonenko VS, Chubko LS. Secular variations of brightness of periodical comets as a result of desintegration of their gaseous-dusty nuclei and influence of solar activity. Ukrainian. 2008 ;24(6):463-468.
1Mamedov SG, Aliyeva ZF, Samedov ZA. Sensitivity of the Fe IX 17.1 nm line profile to slow magneto-acoustic waves propagating in a solar coronal loop. 2024 ;40(6):45-58.
