Temporal changes of the physical conditions in the solar flare on the photospheric layers

1Kurochka, EV, Lozitsky, VG, Osyka, OB
1Astronomical Observatory of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine
Kinemat. fiz. nebesnyh tel (Online) 2008, 24(4):308-320
Язык: Russian

Solar flare of 5 November 2005 of importance M4.1/1B is investigated. For three moments of this flare (11h35m, 11h39m and 11h45m UT), the Stokes I±V profiles of nine lines of Fe I, Fe II, Sc II and Cr II are studied. Magnetic fields in the flare were measured using two methods: 'center of gravity' and on a base of comparison of observed profiles with theoretical ones calculated with Baranovsky's program. There are following from profile's analysis that magnetic field peak had existed in flare maximum (11h35m) and placed in the upper photosphere (lgτ500 = -2.7). During the flare evolution, this peak became blurred and shifted into deeper layers of the photosphere. Semi-empirical model of the flare has two layers with increased temperature: in upper and middle photosphere. These layers had shifted deeper during flare evolution as well. Turbulent velocities on the maximum of the distribution increased 5 times relatively undisturbed photosphere, whereas plasma density — changed to 3—6 times both to increasing and decreasing.

Ключевые слова: photosphere, solar flare