The features of acoustic-gravity waves in the polar regions of the Earth’s thermosphere

1Kryuchkov, YI, 1Cheremnykh, OK, 1Fedorenko, AK
1Space Research Institute under NAS and National Space Agency of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
Kinemat. fiz. nebesnyh tel (Online) 2017, 33(3):41-53
Start Page: Dynamics and Physics of Solar System Bodies
Язык: Russian

The features of acoustic-gravity waves in the polar regions of the Earth's thermosphere are studied. It is shown that the change of AGW amplitudes occurs in the polar thermosphere against the background of large-scale rotational movements of the medium. The amplitudes of waves amplifies with AGW propagation against moving and reduces when AGW propagates towards rotation. An analytical expression for the gain coefficient of AGW perturbations is obtained, with which the numerical evaluation of the wave's amplification effect in headwind with the characteristic parameters of the thermosphere is realized. These results are consistent with measurements of AGW parameters in the polar regions on the Dynamic Explorer 2 satellite.

Ключевые слова: acoustic-gravity waves, Earth’s polar thermosphere

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