Two-frequency propagation mode of acoustic-gravity waves in the earth atmosphere
1Cheremnykh, OK, 1Kryuchkov, YI, 1Fedorenko, AK, 1Cheremnykh, SO 1Space Research Institute under NAS and National Space Agency of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine |
Kinemat. fiz. nebesnyh tel (Online) 2020, 36(2):34-57 | |
Start Page: Dynamics and Physics of Solar System Bodies |
Язык: Ukrainian |
Аннотация: As known from long-term theoretical and experimental studies of acoustic-gravity waves (AGW), they largely determine the dynamics and energy balance of the atmospheres of planets and the Sun. Linear wave perturbations in the atmosphere can be described using a system of second-order equations for the vertical and horizontal components of the perturbed velocity. It follows from this system that small perturbations in the atmosphere can be considered as oscillations of coupled oscillators with two degrees of freedom. This suggests the idea of a more detailed study of linear acoustic-gravitational wave modes in the atmosphere using well-developed methods of the oscillations theory. To study small perturbations in the Earth's atmosphere, the methods of the theory of coupled oscillatory systems are used. It is shown that acoustic-gravity waves in an isothermal atmosphere can be considered as a superposition of oscillations that occur simultaneously at two natural frequencies: acoustic and gravitational. Equations are obtained for the natural oscillation's frequencies, as well as for the components of the perturbed velocity under given initial conditions. Changes in the components of the perturbed velocity as a function of time are analyzed and new features of their behavior are discovered. All solutions are presented using real values only. This is more convenient for comparison with observational data than the complex representation commonly used in the theory of acoustic-gravity waves. The conditions are studied under which the usual single-frequency oscillation mode can be realized in the atmosphere. The results of the work can be used to explain some features of satellite observations of wave disturbances in the Earth's atmosphere, which do not fit into the framework of the known theoretical concepts. |
Ключевые слова: acoustic-gravitational wave, coupled oscillators, Earth's atmosphere |
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