Development of models of acoustic-gravity waves in the upper atmosphere (overview)

1Cheremnykh, OK, 1Fedorenko, AK, Kryuchkov, EI, Klymenko, YO, 1Zhuk, IT
1Space Research Institute under NAS and National Space Agency of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
Kinemat. fiz. nebesnyh tel (Online) 2024, 40(1):3-23
Язык: Ukrainian

We present the results of studies of acoustic-gravity waves (AGWs) in the upper atmosphere of the Earth obtained by the authors over the last years. The work has been mainly aimed at development of the AGWs theoretical models taking into account the properties of the real atmosphere and these models verification based on spacecraft measurement data. The possibility of the existence of new types of evanescent acoustic-gravity waves in the isothermal atmosphere is theoretically shown. In particular, a previously unknown inelastic mode and a family of evanescent pseudo-modes are discussed. The possibility of observing evanescent modes on the Sun and in the Earth’s atmosphere is analyzed. The peculiarities of the propagation of the acoustic-gravity waves at the boundary of two isothermal half-spaces with different temperatures are studied in dependence of their spectral parameters and the magnitude of the temperature jump at the boundary. The peculiarities of the interaction of acoustic-gravity waves with spatially inhomogeneous atmospheric flows are also studied. It is analyzed the observed effects that are a consequence of such interaction. It is highlighted the azimuths of the wave propagation, the change in their amplitudes, and the blocking effect in the counterflow. The influence of vertical non-isothermality on propagation of acoustic-gravity waves including the modification of acoustic and gravitational regions depending on the temperature is studied. On the basis of modified Navier- Stokes and heat transfer equations, the influence of attenuation on the propagation of acoustic-gravity waves in the atmosphere is analyzed. It is also considered the attenuation of various types of evanescent acoustic-gravity waves in the atmosphere. It is shown that the rotation of the atmosphere leads to the modification of the continuous spectrum of evanescent acoustic-gravity waves with frequencies greater than the Coriolis parameter.

Ключевые слова: acoustic-gravity wave, evanescent wave mode, upper atmosphere, Viscosity

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