Pluto and comets. 3. Possible mechanisms of interrelation of comets and Pluto

Guliev, AS, Nabiev, SA
Kinemat. fiz. nebesnyh tel (Online) 2005, 21(1):53-59
Язык: Russian

In this paper 11 peculiarities of the comet's group having possible relation with Pluto are studied in a cosmogony context. In total 6 mechanisms of interrelation of comets with the planet are considered. It is difficult to give cosmogony interpretation for some peculiarities. Irregularity of the perihelion, the remote nodes, excess of comets with P < 1000, large perihelion distances, some physical characteristics, etc. are more consistent with eruption and collision mechanisms of comet's origin. At the same time correlation relations between some parameters, some regularity in values of Tisserand's constant and some asymmetry in distribution of nodes agree well with the mechanism of comet's capture. A high probability of meeting and direct collision of Kuiper bodies with the Pluto and its satellite (possibly with satellites) is established. It is possible that some mechanisms of interaction of comets with Pluto function in parallel.

Ключевые слова: comets, Pluto