Some features of formation of details of raman scattering in a non-isothermal atmosphere

1Morozhenko, OV, 1Kostogryz, NM
1Main Astronomical Observatory of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
Kinemat. fiz. nebesnyh tel (Online) 2005, 21(2):114-120
Язык: Russian

The influence of non-isothermal atmosphere on the intensity of details of the Raman scattering is computed for a spectrum of Neptune. The following inferences are made: the intensity of this scattering depends on the depth of the level of its formation in an optical homogeneous non-isothermal atmosphere; neglect of real temperature profiles during the analysis of observation data leads to large errors in the parameters of the atmosphere upper levels.

Ключевые слова: planetary atmosphere