On the origin of the extremely asymmetric Stokes V profiles in an inhomogeneous atmosphere

1Sheminova, VA
1Main Astronomical Observatory of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
Kinemat. fiz. nebesnyh tel (Online) 2005, 21(3):172-196
Язык: Russian

We investigated the formation of the Stokes V profiles with unusual shape using results of 2-D MHD simulation of solar magnet ogranulation. The synthetic unusual profiles have properties in common with those observed with the spatial resolution < 1" in active regions outside sunspots and in the network and internetwork. Like observed profiles they mostly appear in clusters in regions of weak magnetic fields with mixed polarity along the polarity inversion lines. As a rule, they are located at the edges of granules and lanes and sometimes close to strong magnetic field concentrations with strong gradients of velocity and magnetic field strength. It is found that they appear as clusters in the regions of large granuls fragmentation, where begins formation of new magnetic fluxtubes. The synthetic unusual profiles can have from one to six lobes. The origin of singlelobed and manylobed profiles are the same. The major processes causing extremely asymmetry are characterized by one or multiple polarity reversals along the line of sight as well as by gradients of velocity and magnetic field strength. The more lobes in a profile, the more probability of sign change of magnetic field gradient. It follows that location regions of extremely asymmetric profiles should have a very complicated structure of magnetic fields on small scales. This is confirmed by straightforward results achieved in granulation simulations which demonstrate that velocity shear at the downdraft edges creates vortices and turbulence. This adds complexity to structure magnetic fields mixing their polarities, in particular at the edges of granules.

Ключевые слова: atmosphere, solar magnetic field, Stokes profiles