Features of ionospheric effects of the solar eclipse on Оctober 25, 2022, in the morning

1Chernogor, LF
1V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Kharkiv, Ukraine
Kinemat. fiz. nebesnyh tel (Online) 2024, 40(2):37-53
Язык: Ukrainian

Solar eclipse (SE) leads to perturbations of all subsystems in the Earth — atmosphere — ionosphere — magnetosphere system and of geophysical fields. Each SE leads to a whole series of physical and chemical processes in the ionosphere. Along with the common features, each SE has its own peculiarities in the course of processes. They depend on the phase of solar activity, time of year, time of day, geographic coordinates, state of atmospheric and space weather, the magnitude of eclipse, etc. Therefore, the study of the effects of each new SE is an urgent scientific task. The purpose of this work is to describe the results of the analysis of the SE ionospheric effects features on October 25, 2022, which was observed shortly after sunrise, mainly at high latitudes. The data from a network of stations and navigation satellites moving over the region of partial SE were used for observations. It was found that the maximum decrease in total electron content (TEC) was 1.6…4.1 TECU, and its relative decrease reached 12…25 %. The maximum decrease in TEC was delayed with respect to the maximum magnitude of the SE by 18…33 min. The duration of the reaction to SE was 120…180 min, which exceeded the eclipse duration.

Ключевые слова: electron density disturbance, high latitudes, ionosphere, morning time, solar eclipse, total electron content