Analysis of time series of coordinates of GNSS station «Chernihiv» (CNIV)

Ishchuk, NV, 1Ishchenko, MV, Velikodsky, YV
1Main Astronomical Observatory of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
Kinemat. fiz. nebesnyh tel (Online) 2021, 37(4):79-91
Start Page: Earth's Rotation and Geodynamics
Язык: Ukrainian

GNSS observations carried out at permanent stations are directly related to global and local movements of the earth’s crust, and are also influenced by various factors such as multipath and radio noise signal. At present, the influence of such effects can be analyzed and excluded from further processing of GNSS ob f ervations. However, there are GNSS stations that deserve more attention for the monitoring of the stability of the observation operation because they define the terrestrial implementation of the reference system. Chernigiv (CNIV, DOMES 15501M001) is an example of such GNSS station on the territory of Ukraine which listed in the A class to set European reference frame. The paper anatyzes the continuous coordinate time series and the log file of the GNSS station Chernigiv. Compartton of the coordinates of this station was performed on vartous equipment. Based on this, conclusions were made about the stability of the station. It was found that during the whole time of operation the station works stably and does not have long breaks in observations. The most significant changes that took place at the station were related to the change of equipment. The equipment at the station was changed three times — in 2005 Trimble equipment was installed, in 2011 it was replaced by NovAtel, and in 2013 — by Leica, which still works. Analysis of the time series of this permanent station showed that when studying the change of coordinates repeatability for all equipment, there is a certain jump at the beginning of the Leica equipment installation, which is associated with changing equipment, namely another system of mounting the antenna in the column. However, if the coordinate residues are examined separately for each piece of equipment, then fluctuations in winter and summer are observed, which may be due to structural deformation of the GNSS antenna.

Ключевые слова: coordinate time series, GNSS station, satellite geodesy

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