Power of the energy of the 11-year solar cycle and its dependence on the duration of the solar cycle

1Abdussamatov, HI
1Pulkovo Astronomical Observatory, Pulkovo, Russia
Kinemat. fiz. nebesnyh tel (Online) 2015, 31(4):54-60
Start Page: Solar Physics
Мова: Russian

We propose to determine a full physical characteristic of the total power of the solar cycle from the weighted average value of the absolute TSI for the entire 11-year cycle. This allows to define objectively the absolute energy power of the cycle, as well as to predict its impact on the processes occurring in the Sun-Earth system. Similarly, the total relative power of the solar activity cycle should be defined. As a result of the study of relative powers and durations of all 24 cycles, we found an inverse relationship between the duration of the cycle and its energy power. With decreasing power of the energy of the cycle (the TSI and solar activity) its duration increases, and vice versa. An inverse relationship between the duration of the 11-year cycle and its energy power is a consequence of the effect of quasi-bicentennial solar cycle. The results obtained may explain why the length of the 11-year solar cycles may be some possible indicator of the climate changes only during the phase of growth or decline of the quasi-bicentennial solar cycle.

Ключові слова: cycle, power cycle of the cycle, Sun

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