
Requirements for the execution and submission of manuscripts

  1. The following are submitted to the editorial office:
    • two copies of the original of the manuscript, typed in a large font (12...14 points) with an interline interval of 1.5 or more, printed on one side of each sheet. One copy is signed by all authors;
    • referral on the institution letterhead, signed by the head of the institution;
    • license agreement on the transfer of copyright to the publication of the manuscript, signed by the author (authors)
    • a complete file of the manuscript with figures and individual image files. The hard copy must coincide completely with the attached manuscript file.
    • a separate sheet with the full names of all authors and their e-mail, as well as the address, phone, the valid e-mail of the author to communicate with.
  2. The structure of the manuscript. The order of materials is as follows:
    • UDC
    • Initials (names) and surnames of authors
    • Affiliations and postal addresses of institutions
    • Email addresses of all authors, if any
    • Title
    • Abstract in the language of the manuscript. The abstract should clearly state the purpose, the task, the results obtained and the novelty of the work.
    • Key words in the language of the manuscript.
    • Text according the general scheme: introduction, the main part with possible partitioning, conclusion, attachments, acknowledgements, etc. The introduction and the list of literature should reflect the current state of the problem, which is devoted to the article. Figures and tables can be placed at the author's request both in manuscript and at the end.
    • References
    • Two abstracts in additional languages. The resume in the each language must contain the following:
      • list of authors,
      • authors' affiliations,
      • title,
      • abstract,
      • keywords.
  3. Technical design.
    Manuscripts can be prepared electronically in author-friendly text editors (Microsoft Word, LaTeX, etc.). In addition to the LaTeX file, a PDF file of the manuscript must be provided.

    The text is typed in large font (12...14 points) with a line spacing of 1.5 or more. The text can be structured, it is not advisable to number separate sections. When setting decimal fractions, use a point, not a comma (3.57 instead of 3,57). It is necessary to distinguish signs «-», «–»,and «—» (hyphen, minus and dashes) and use them only by appointment.Do not use the hyphen for forced word hyphenation. Do not replace the degree sign by the zero sign or the letter "o" in the upper index. All units of physical quantities must be given in SI system. Foreign surnames and proper names in the Ukrainian (Russian) text are given in Ukrainian (Russian) transcription.

    Formulas are desirable to type in the editor of Microsoft Equation 3.0. Variable values ​​are typed in italics, elementary functions (lg, sin, exp, max, min, etc.) are typed in plain text, vectors and matrices — in bold, numerals, mathematical signs and units of measure — straight, Latin indices — italics, Cyrillic indexes — straight. Complex formulas need to be typed in a separate line. If you want to type directly in the text a number, a simple variable, a variable with one index, or a simple line expression with arithmetic symbols, it is better not to use the formulas editor, but to enter them directly from the keyboard. Do not use fractions like ½, the correct symbol is 1/2. The characters ≈ (approximate), ∼ (order) and ∝ (proportional) should be used correctly. When typing brackets, it's important to remember that large-sized brackets are typed only when the expression in brackets has a high height (fractions, integrals, sums, matrices, etc.). In all other cases, the brackets should be normal sized, corresponding to the keg of the main text, so they are typed directly from the keyboard.

    The formulas to which the text refers are numbered in Arabic numerals. Formulas for which there are no links in the text, numbering is not required.
    Figures. All figures are numbered according to their appearance in the text and have captions below figures. The author has to provide high quality illustrative material (rational arrangement, informativeness, sharpness, contrast). The figures should be black and white. Colored or semi-tinted figures should be avoided. The author must bear in mind that the figure will have the final size on the page at a maximum of 126 mm or 60-70 mm (for small figures). On the charts there should be no extra details - frames, coordinate grids, explanatory inscriptions, legends. Different curves in the figures should clearly differ not in color, but in the drawing (solid, dashed, dotted, bar-dotted, etc.). Curves can be numbered in Arabic numerals. You can only superscribe curves if the inscriptions are short (chemical element, parameter value, etc.). Experimental points are represented by simple symbols (circles, dots, crosses, oblique crosses, squares, triangles, filled squares, triangles, etc.). All explanations of the curves, points, legends, explication should be made as captions under the figures. The coordinate axes are indicated briefly by the simplest identifiers. It is mandatory to specify the physical quantity and its units in the SI system (for example, V, km/s; λ, nm; M, 108 kg).
    All tables are numbered according to their appearance in the text and have headers.
    References. When completing references, it is necessary to adhere to the principles of DSTU 8302: 2015. Bibliographic link. General terms and conditions of drafting. Kyiv, 2016. 16 p. (Information and documentation).

    • The bibliographic description must correspond to the title page of the publication and be made in the original language.
    • References to unpublished works are not allowed.
    • References are numbered alphabetically and chronologically (originally Cyrillic, then Latin). When referenced in the text the number is placed in square brackets: [5, 12].
    • For articles, please indicate: the author's name(s), initials, title of the article, abbreviated title of the journal, year, volume, number, start and end pages.
    • For books: surname of author (authors), initials, title of the book, place of publication (city), publishing house (optional), year of publication, total number of pages.
    • Фамилия редактора книги (при отсутствии фамилий авторов на титульной странице) ставится после заголовка; в списке литературы такие издания размещаются по алфавиту заголовка. The name of the book editor (in the absence of names of authors on the title page) is placed after the title; in the references, such editions are placed under the alphabet of the title.
    • When referring to electronic sources, authors, name, year, pages, if available, as well as the email address in the form of a URI or URL must be indicated. If the electronic resource has a DOI identifier, it is given instead of the URI or the URL.

    Below there are some typical examples of the representation of reference sources (on the recommendation of the Publishing House "Akademperiodyka"

    1. Гуртовенко Э. А., Костык Р. И. Фраунгоферов спектр и система солнечных сил осцилляторов. К.: Наук. думка, 1989. 200 с.
    2. Епишев В. П., Исак И. И., Кудак В. И., Мотрунич И. И., Найбауэр И. Ф., Кошкин Н. И., Билинский А. И., Мартынюк-Лотоцкий К. П., Благодыр Я. Т., Лопаченко В. В., Рыхальский В. В., Рыщенко С. В., Жуковецкий А. В. Результаты исследований поведения на орбите ИСЗ в нештатном режиме под воздействием околоземного космического пространства. Космічна наука і технологія. 2012. 18. № 1. С. 60—67.
    3. Новая глобальная тектоника. М.: Мир, 1974. 471 с.
    4. Черногор Л. Ф. Физика и экология катастроф. Харьков. 2012. 556 с.
    5. Шувалов В. А., Токмак Н. А., Резниченко Н. П. Физическое моделирование воздействия атомарного кислорода и вакуумного ультрафиолета на полимеры в ионосфере Земли // Приборы и техника эксперимента. 2016. 59. № 3. С. 114—122. DOI: 10.7868/S0032816216020269.
    6. Яцків Я. С., Радченко А. І. Про ефективність видання наукових журналів в Україні. Вісн. НАН України. 2012. № 6. С. 62—67.
    7. Adams S. M., Kochanek C. S., Gerke J. R., Stanek K. Z., Dai X. The search for failed supernovae with the Large Binocular Telescope: confirmation of a disappearing star. Mon. Notic. Roy. Astron. Soc. 2017. 13 p. arXiv:1609.01283.
    8. Blakey R. Global Paleogeography. 2005. URI: https: //
    9. Hudramovich V. S. Contact interactions and limit states of the shell-type structures under local loading // Proceedings of the 2th China-Ukraine Forum on Science and Technology (5—8 July 2016, Harbin, China). Harbin, 2016. P. 2—3.
    10. Steigenberger P., Hugentobler U., Lutz S., Dach R. CODE Contribution to the 2nd IGS Reprocessing / IGS Workshop. 23-27 June 2014. Pasadena. URL:
    11. Zachariadis Th. G., Alissandrakis C. E., Banos G. Observations of Ellerman bombs. Solar Phys. 1987. 108. N 2. P. 227—236.