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Author Title [ Year(Asc)]
Zolotukhina AV. Cross-identification of HIPPARCOS-2MASS. 2MASS second data release (162 million objects). Russian. 2008 ;24(6):484-485.
1Ivanov GA. Cross-identifications of stars with high proper motions (version 2.0). 2008 ;24(2):164-166.
Yakobchuk TM. Dwarf irregular galaxy KK 230: A relatively young galaxy on the Local Group periphery?. 2008 ;24(3):186-197.
1Morozhenko OV. Effects of coherent scattering in polarizing properties of Galilean satellites of Jupiter?. 2008 ;24(2):155-157.
1Kulinich Y. Evolution of the spherically symmetric dust-like cloud in ΛCDM models. 2008 ;24(3):169-185.
1Kuli-Zade DM, Shabanova ZF. On the fine structure of the λ 532.4185 nm in the spectrum of the Sun disk centre. Russian. 2008 ;24(6):446-451.
Pugach AF, Medvedsky MM, Peretiatko NN, Shavlovsky VI, 1Karbovsky VL, Nikitiuk TV, 1Lazorenko PF, Zolotukhina AV, Vorobiov DP, Pap VA, et al. The first experience on the observations of solar eclipses with the help of miniature balance scales. Russian. 2008 ;24(5):401-410.
Kovtyukh VV, Soubiran C, Belik SI, Yasinskaya MP, Chehonadskih FA, Malyuto V. Fundamental parameters and intrinsic colours of FGK supergiants and classical Cepheids. 2008 ;24(3):231-237.
1Shakhov BA, 1Kolesnyk YL. Galactic cosmic ray propagation in heliosphere depending on the scattering properties of turbulent interplanetary magnetic field. Russian. 2008 ;24(6):426-440.
1Gopka VF, Ul'ianov OM, 1Andrievskii SM. On the hypotheses to explain the origin of the Przybylski star (HD 101065). 2008 ;24(1):50-60.
