

  1. The scientific and theoretical journal "Kinematika і Fizika Nebesnykh Tel" (KFNT) publishes scientific articles on the following sections of astronomy and astrophysics: positional and theoretical astronomy, the Earth's rotation and geodynamics, space physics, extragalactic astronomy, the structure and dynamics of the Galaxy, the physics of stars and interstellar medium, the dynamics and physics of the bodies of the Solar System, solar physics, atmospheric optics and astroclimate, mathematical processing of astro information, tools and instruments, historical and astronomical research, reviews on current problems of astronomy.
  2. Manuscripts must be fully completed and scientifically reasoned works, drawn up properly, physically and mathematically substantiated. Papers must contain substantially new original results and to be of sufficiently wide scientific interest.
  3. The language of articles is Ukrainian, Russian or English. Each article is accompanied by three abstracts: in Ukrainian, Russian and English. The magazine is translated into English by the «Allerton Press», entitled «Kinematics and Physics of Celestial Bodies». Articles published in the KFNT journal in English will not be included in the «Kinematics and Physics of Celestial Bodies» translated magazine.
  4. The manuscript is accompanied by an agreement on the transfer of copyright, concluded between the author (co-authors) and the publisher. In the agreement the author guarantees not only the granting of certain rights to its use, but also the originality of the article, the transfer of the article to only one publisher, and compliance with the rules of the use of borrowed materials.
    The manuscript will not contain:
    •   any borrowing by the author of previously published materials (tables, drawings, parts of the text, including their own, for which the rights to use are transferred) without the written permission of the right holder.
    •  fabrication and falsification of data: the fabrication of data means that the researcher did not do any work, but invented the data. Falsifying data means that the researcher has changed some data in order to meet the desired results;
    •  plagiarism: misuse of other people's ideas and works without proper reference to the source and obtaining permission for their use, deliberate appropriation of the authorship of another's work or a part thereof;
    •  re-publication: submission of articles in several magazines, which contradicts the generally accepted world-wide publishing ethics. The consequence of repeated publications is the violation of the publishing rights of other publishers, which may entail legal proceedings and the payment of large amounts of money in the form of compensations and fines not only to original publishers but to distributors as well;
    •  duplicate publications (self-plagiarism): sending and publishing similar or identical manuscripts in various journals. Submission of the same material in various editions, including in various languages, is considered to be self-plagiarism.
  5. Selection of manuscripts. If the manuscript does not correspond to the journal profile or is improperly executed, it is rejected at the prior stage by the executive secretary of the editorial board and is not registered. Each of the registered manuscripts is reviewed on the basis of anonymity by reputable specialists on relevant topics, then it is considered by one of the representatives of the editorial board, after which it is accepted or rejected by the decision of the editorial board. The reason for the rejection may be a negative review, lack of novelty, violation by the author of publishing ethics (plagiarism, self-plagiarism, falsification, re-publication, etc.). If a review of the manuscript contains remarks, it is sent back to the author for revision. The author takes extreme careful attention to the remarks and sends to the editorial one solid copy of the revised version of the manuscript, files and a letter-reply to the reviewer comments.
    The editorial board does not discuss the reasons for the rejection of manuscripts. After the rejection of the manuscript, the license agreement is considered torn. The rejected manuscript does not return to the author.
  6. Manuscripts accepted for publishing undergo scientific, literary and technical editing. After the layout, proofreading is sent to the author by e-mail for final approval. During the layout stage, no significant changes or additions to the text are allowed. The author must carefully check all the elements of the layout and send a list of marked errors within three working days from the date of sending the editor`s letter. If the editorial does not receive an author's answer within three working days, the article is published in editorial form or excluded from the current issue.
  7. The editors do not provide the author with imprints of articles in printed form.
  8. The publication in the journal "Kinematics and physics of celestial bodies" is free and does not involve any fees.
  9. The reprint of the article in English provides for an author's fee. In order to receive it, after the release of the current issue, you must fill out a special application form (each author for himself) and send it by letter or fax to the State Organisation "Ukrainian Agency for Copyright and Related Rights"
    Group of fees calculation
    B.Khmelnitsky str. 41а
    Kyiv, 01030, Ukraine
    Fax: (044) 288 29 90