Burst energy of solar noise storms

Yurovsky, YF, Yurovsky, YY
Kinemat. fiz. nebesnyh tel (Online) 2007, 23(1):40-50
Language: Russian

Our analysis of solar noise storms (NS) with the use of decomposition of a random signal on pulses shows that the distribution of burst duration is inversely to their duration. The distribution maximum corresponds to a boundary pulse related duration of 0.4—0.6 s. The distribution ordinates are proportional to the average frequency of pulse occurrence. The total time of existence of all of the short NS bursts is approximately equal to the total time of existence of bursts of any other duration. The total energy of bursts with a duration of 0.2—0.4 s is five times less than the total energy of longer bursts and contains only 2—5 % of NS burst energy. The intensity of bursts increases with growth of their duration from 0.2 up to 1.2 s, reaches established value at a duration of 1.2—1.4 s and then remains the same up to end of the investigated range (300 s). «Chains» of bursts may be considered as a superposition of short bursts with one long. Thus, the measurement of burst energy do not confirm the widespread opinion that NS consists of short-lived type I bursts.

Keywords: solar noise storm