On the association of comets and planets

Tomanov, VP
Kinemat. fiz. nebesnyh tel (Online) 2007, 23(5):273-285
Language: Russian

We discuss our results of numerical integration of the equations of motion for 274 short-period comets on a time interval of 6000 years. Among them, 54 comets had no encounter with planets, 13 comets passed through the incidence of Saturn and one comet passed through the incidence of Uranus. For these 68 comets the change of orbital elements for 6000 years does not exceed ±3 %. The other 206 comets had encounters with Jupiter. On the basis of the investigation of 14 comets, Everhart’s conclusion on the entrapment of the long-period comets with q = 4—6 AU and і < 9° on short-period orbits by Jupiter is confirmed. It is shown that near-parabolic comets run across the solar system preferentially through the band of terrestrial planets. The association of the near-parabolic comets and the terrestrial planets during the epoch of last occurrence of a comet is not found. Guliev’s hypothesis on two transpluto planets is based on illusory surplus of cometary nodes at major heliocentric distances. The presence of cometary nodes on the periphery of the solar system has only geometrical effect.

Keywords: short-period comet, transpluto planets
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