Line-of-sight veloсities of photospheric matter motion in a solar flare with ejection

1Kondrashova, NN, 1Pasechnik, MN
1Main Astronomical Observatory of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
Kinemat. fiz. nebesnyh tel (Online) 2010, 26(1):57-73
Language: Russian

The photospheric horizontal velocities at the onset and the main phases of the solar flare on 4 September 1990 taking place near the solar limb are studied. The ejection was observed during the flare. The spectra were derived with the solar horizontal telescope ATsU-26 at the Terskol Peak Observatory. The line-of-sight velocity variations are revealed during the flare as in the value as in the direction in different photospheric levels. The photospheric matter motions with the velocity -4...2 km/s are observed in two flare kernels. The comparison of the data received with the chromospheric line-of-sight velocity variations indicated, that the direction of the photospheric and chromospheric matter motion was the same, to observer. The direction of the matter motion rapidly changed at some moments. The velocities reached its maximum at the main phase of the flare. There is the increasing of the photospheric velocity in the place of the surge in comparison with its value before the flare and in the flare kernels.

Keywords: photosphere, solar flare