Identification of absorption lines of rare-earth elements in the spectral region from λλ 610.25 to 610.57 nm for the roAp-stars HD 101065, HD 134214, HD 137949, and HD 24712

Mykhailytska, NH
Kinemat. fiz. nebesnyh tel (Online) 2010, 26(6):41-55
Language: Ukrainian

In the spectral region from λ 610.25 to λ 610.57 nm of the roAp-star HD 101065, we performed the identification of the rare-earth element absorption lines which absent into the known da¬ta base VALD and DREAM for atomic spectral lines. The identified lines were used for calculations of synthetic spectra for the roAp-stars HD 137949, HD 134214, and HD 24712. The upper limit of the estimates lggf for the identified lines was determined. Using Nd III 669.083 nm and Ca I 616.217 nm, the parameter of rotation/pulsation vsini and magnetic field module were determined. For the roAp-stars HD 134214 and HD 24712, the element abundance was first determined using the Nd III lines. The calculations were carried out with the help of the SynthM program developed by S A. Khan.

Keywords: rare-earth element