Pulsations of optical emission of the YZ CMI flare on 9 February 2008

1Zhilyaev, BE, Tsap, YT, 2Andreev, MV, Stepanov, AV, Kopylova, YG, Gershberg, RE, Lovkaya, MN, 2Sergeev, AV, 1Verlyuk, IA, Stetsenko, KO
1Main Astronomical Observatory of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
2International Center for Astronomical, Medical and Ecological Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
Kinemat. fiz. nebesnyh tel (Online) 2011, 27(3):75-84
Start Page: Physics of Stars and Interstellar Medium
Language: Russian

We consider one of the most powerful and long du ra tion flares of the red dwarf YZ CMi which was revealed from observations in the U band at the Peak Terskol Observatory on 9 February 2008. The stellar luminos ity was increased to the flare maximum by a factor of180 during 30 s and the total flare duration was equal to 1 h. Using the wavelet analysis, quasi-periodical pulsations with a period of about 11 s, an initial modulation depth of 5.5 %, and an exponential time of damping of 29 s are revealed. It is assumed that observed pulsations were caused by fast magnetohydrodynamic oscillations of the flare loop. Based on coronal seismology methods, the following parameters offlare plasma were determined: number density (2·1010 сm-3), plasma temperature (3·107 K), and the magnetic field value (0.015 T) in the region offlare energy release.

Keywords: flare, red dwarf YZ CMi