Generation by global migratory flow of variable magnetic field of the Sun

1Loginov, AA, 2Kryvodubskyj, VN, 1Cheremnykh, OK
1Space Research Institute under NAS and National Space Agency of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
2Astronomical Observatory, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, 04053, Kyiv, Ukraine
Kinemat. fiz. nebesnyh tel (Online) 2021, 37(1):30-47
Start Page: Solar Physics
Language: Ukrainian

In this work, we have demonstrated the dominant role of the global migratory flow (GMT) {vRgmf, vgmf, vgmf} in the generation of the solar variable magnetic field (vRgmf, vgmf, vgmf, are the radial, meridional and latitudinal components of the GMT velocity, which correspond to the velocities of the radial flow variation, the spatio-temporal variation of the meridional flow and torsion vibrations). The magnetic vector H* = {H, H*} was introduced, which we called the “model bipolar group of spots” (H and H are the meridional and the azimuthal components of the variable magnetic field of the Sun). As a result of numerical calculations based on the kinematic dynamo model, a scheme of the latitudinal-temporal distribution of the relative amplitudes of the magnetic components H and H on the surface of the Sun during the 22 year magnetic cycle is constructed. It was found that the relative amplitudes of the meridional and the azimuthal variable fields depend on the heliolatitude. They have maximum values in the equatorial belt and decrease to minimum values in the near-pole zones. In the equatorial belt, the magnetic sign of the head spot of the “model bipolar group of spots” coincides with the sign of the radial field in the near-pole belt. This corresponds to the ratio of the observed signs of the bipolar groups of spots and the near-pole field in the Hale magnetic cycle. At the same time, the signs of the bipolar groups of spots at high heliolatitudes are in conflict with the Hale-Nicholson law. Obviously, the violation of the polarities of the magnetic vector H* can be explained by taking into account the results of modeling the dependence of the constant toroidal magnetic field on the polar angle that we obtained in previous studies. Moreover, the deviation from the Hale-Nicholson law, apparently, can be associated with the polarity of the first high-latitude bipolar groups of spots of the new cycle, observed at the end of old cycles.

Keywords: global migratory flow, kinematic dynamo, magnetic cyclicity of the Sun, magnetic fields, numerical simulation, solar convection zone, sunspots

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