Galactic cosmic ray distribution in the simplest model of termination shock near the boundary of heliosphere

1Kolesnyk, YL, 1Shakhov, BA
1Main Astronomical Observatory of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
Kinemat. fiz. nebesnyh tel (Online) 2009, 25(4):307-315
Language: Russian

The termination shock at the boundary of the heliosphere is simulated as a two-layer turbulent medium with nonzero average radial component of solar wind velocity within the heliosphere and zero one outside it. Galactic cosmic rays (GCR) therewith are scattered more strongly in the solar wind than in the interstellar medium. The apropriate boundary problem for density to describe GCR propagation is stated and an exact analytical solution for it is derived. We determined the phase density and GCR streams for the whole interval of the particle’s energy and the degree of high energy GCR anisotropy. Qualitative agreement between our theoretical calculations and the experimental GCR distributions is obtained. In particular, an increase of the high energy particle density and a decrease of the low energy particle density are revealed.

Keywords: heliosphere, termination shock