Theoretical and observed signs of excitation of small-scale magnetic fluctuations in the depth of the Sun

1Kryvodubskyj, VN, Kondrashova, NM
1Astronomical Observatory, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, 04053, Kyiv, Ukraine
Kinemat. fiz. nebesnyh tel (Online) 2023, 39(6):58-79
Language: Ukrainian

An actual problem today is the search for observed evidence of the existence of deep small-scale magnetic fields of the Sun. In this regard, we analyzed the proposed by the authors [Sokoloff D., Khlystova A. I. Astron. Nachr. 2010. 331. P. 82—87] a theoretical criterion for separating the contributions to the solar surface magnetism of two qualitatively different mechanisms of a small-scale dynamo, the action of which is hidden in the depths of the solar convection zone (SCZ). The first mechanism ensures the generation of small-scale magnetic fields due to the interaction of turbulent motions with the mean magnetic field (small-scale dynamo 1 of macroscopic MHD), while the second mechanism causes self-excitation of magnetic fluctuations due to turbulent pulsations of highly conductive plasma (diffusive small-scale dynamo 2 of classical MHD). The essence of the proposed criterion is that deep small-scale magnetic fields under certain conditions can lead to violations of Hale’s and Joy’s laws of observed magnetism on the surface of the Sun. Statistical analysis of these disturbances allows us to identify the differences in the evolution of the observed manifestations of two sources of small-scale fields, since the contribution of two deep dynamo mechanisms to surface magnetism varies with the phase of the solar cycle in different ways. Such an important feature is the behavior of the percentage of anti-Hail groups of sunspots (in relation to the total number of sunspots) during the cycles. In the case of small-scale dynamo 1, the percentage of anti-Hale groups is independent of cycle phase, whereas the percentage of anti-Hale groups associated with diffusive small-scale dynamo 2 should reach its maximum value at solar minima. Therefore, the variations of magnetic anomalies make it possible to separate the meager contributions of two small-scale dynamo mechanisms to surface magnetism. In this connection, the task of identifying the markers of a small-scale dynamo in the solar depths from observations becomes relevant. With this in mind, we conducted an analysis of literature data of statistical studies of long series of observed violations of Hale’s and Joy’s laws, which can be caused by the presence of deep small-scale magnetic fluctuations of various origins. In particular, in the work [Sokoloff D., Khlystova A., Abramenko V. Mon. Notic. Roy. Astron. Soc. 2015. 451. P. 1522—1527] on the basis of processing the data of different catalogs for the period 1917—2004, it was demonstrated that the percentage of anti-Hale groups of spots increases during the minima of solar cycles. This testifies to the operation of a diffusive small-scale turbulent dynamo 2 within the SCZ, the efficiency of which becomes noticeable near the minima of the cycles, when the global toroidal magnetic field weakens. As a result of our analysis of six magnetic active regions observed near the minima of the 24th and 25th solar cycles, characteristic violations of Hale’s and Joy’s laws were revealed, which may indicate the influence of a diffusive small-scale dynamo 2 on the evolution of these regions, since it is this source that gives the most noticeable contribution in surface magnetism near cycles minima.

Keywords: dynamo-cycles, magnetic activity of the Sun, magnetic fields, solar convection zone, solar flares, sunspots, turbulent dynamo

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