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Theoretical and observed signs of excitation of small-scale magnetic fluctuations in the depth of the Sun. Ukrainian. 2023 ;39(6):58-79.
. Generation by global migratory flow of variable magnetic field of the Sun. 2021 ;37(1):30-47.
. Generation of the radial magnetic field of the Sun by global hydrodynamic flows. Ukrainian. 2020 ;36(2):20-33.
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Double maxima 11-year solar cycles. Russian. 2017 ;33(1):55-80.
. Simulation of the generation of the toroidal magnetic field of the Sun by differential rotation. Russian. 2017 ;33(6):17-33.
. On the small-scale alpha-squared effect in the convection zone of the Sun. Russian. 2015 ;31(2):3-20.
. The mass distribution in the galaxy cluster Abell 2744. Ukrainian. 2012 ;28(2):34-44.
. Turbulent effects of sunspot magnetic field reconstruction. Russian. 2012 ;28(5):37-49.